Fact Sheets
Did you know that Canada’s cleantech sector is highly competitive on a global scale? Take a look at the fact sheets below, compiled by the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) and Export Development Canada (EDC) to learn more about Canadian companies and solutions that are leading the way in international technology exports. Canadian made cleantech solutions are available to a variety of industries including Oil & Gas, Transportation, Mining as well as Energy & Electricity Production. Most of the fact sheets are available in English and French.
Below the fact sheets, you will find the most relevant reports and government resources for our sector. The list is work in progress and not exhaustive.
Cleantech Facts & Figures
Exports of Canadian environmental and clean technology products reached $20.9 billion in 2022
The global market for clean technologies is projected to exceed roughly $2 trillion by 2034
Employment in the global cleantech sector rose to 67 million in 2022
Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Oil & Gas
Industrie minière
Remettre en état les infrastructures hydrauliques
Solutions locales de traitement des eaux usées
Distribution d’eau et traitement des eaus usées pour le secteur minier
Surveillance de la qualité de l’eau
Technologies de réutilisation de l’eau
Resources en eau dans le secteur agricole
Exploiter l’intelligence artificielle, des données massives et de l’internet des objets